BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About work areas > Editing a work area workflow > Editing a work area workflow state

Editing a work area workflow state

You edit a workflow state to change its name, enable subwork areas, and force document revisions to occur in subwork areas.

To edit a workflow state:

  1. Double-click the state you want to edit. The Properties dialog box appears.
  2. Select options or type text on the General or Sub-work Area pages using the descriptions in the following table and click OK.
Work area workflow state options
Option Description

Display name

The name displayed in the workflow diagram.


The read-only name assigned to the state by the system.


The read-only state type, either Intermediate state or End state.

In this state, the following types of sub-work areas may be created

Select the work area templates that you want to be available for creating subwork areas.

Documents can only be created or revised in these sub-work areas

Enable this option to restrict document creation and revision to the selected subwork areas.

Related concepts

About work areas

Related tasks

Creating a work area

Opening a work area

Assigning a document to a work area

Releasing a document from a work area

Routing a work area

Viewing a work area workflow

Editing a work area workflow

Editing a work area workflow transition

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